Source code for

import re
from ast import literal_eval
from typing import Dict, Union

import boto3

import botocore

from pendant import aws

__all__ = ['S3Uri', 's3api_head_object', 's3api_object_exists', 's3_object_exists']

[docs]class S3Uri(object): """An S3 URI which conforms to RFC 3986 formatting. Args: path: The S3 URI path. Examples: >>> uri = S3Uri('s3://mybucket/prefix') >>> uri.scheme 's3://' >>> uri.bucket 'mybucket' >>> uri / 'myobject' S3Uri('s3://mybucket/prefix/myobject') """ delimiter = r'/' _pattern_validate = re.compile(r'^s3://.*') _pattern_scheme = re.compile(r'^(s3://).*') _pattern_key = re.compile(r'^s3://[^/\n]+/?(.*)?') _pattern_bucket = re.compile(r'^s3://([^/]*)') def __init__(self, path: Union[str, 'S3Uri']) -> None: path = str(path) assert self._pattern_validate.match(path) self.path = path def __add__(self, other: str) -> 'S3Uri': """Add a suffix to this S3 URI.""" if not isinstance(other, str): return NotImplemented return S3Uri(self.path + other) def __floordiv__(self, other: str) -> 'S3Uri': """Join this URI with another part using the `/` operator.""" if not isinstance(other, str): return NotImplemented if self.path.endswith(self.delimiter): return S3Uri(self.path + other) else: return S3Uri(self.delimiter.join([self.path, other])) def __truediv__(self, other: str) -> 'S3Uri': """Join this URI with another part using the `/` operator.""" if not isinstance(other, str): return NotImplemented if self.path.endswith(self.delimiter): return S3Uri(self.path + other) else: return S3Uri(self.delimiter.join([self.path, other])) @property def scheme(self) -> str: """Return the RFC 3986 scheme of this URI. Example: >>> uri = S3Uri('s3://mybucket/myobject') >>> uri.scheme 's3://' """ return 's3://' @property def bucket(self) -> str: """Return the S3 bucket of this URI. Example: >>> uri = S3Uri('s3://mybucket/myobject') >>> uri.bucket 'mybucket' """ search = return search.groups()[0] if search else '' @property def key(self) -> str: """Return the S3 key of this URI. Example: >>> uri = S3Uri('s3://mybucket/myobject') >>> uri.key 'myobject' """ search = return search.groups()[0] if search else ''
[docs] def add_suffix(self, suffix: str) -> 'S3Uri': """Add a suffix to this S3 URI. Args: suffix: Append this suffix to the URI. Examples: >>> uri = S3Uri('s3://mybucket/myobject.bam') >>> uri.add_suffix('.bai') S3Uri('s3://mybucket/myobject.bam.bai') This is equivalent to: >>> S3Uri('s3://mybucket/myobject.bam') + '.bai' S3Uri('s3://mybucket/myobject.bam.bai') """ return self + suffix
[docs] def object_exists(self) -> bool: """Test if this URI references an object that exists.""" return s3_object_exists(self.bucket, self.key)
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.path def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__qualname__}({repr(self.path)})'
[docs]def s3api_head_object(bucket: str, key: str, profile: str = 'default') -> Dict: """Use the :class:`awscli` to make a GET request on an S3 object's metadata. Args: bucket: The S3 bucket name. key: The S3 object key. profile: The AWS profile to use, defaults to `"default"`. Return: A dictionary of object metadata, if the object exists. """ stdout: str = aws.cli(f'--profile {profile} s3api head-object --bucket {bucket} --key {key}') metadata: Dict = literal_eval(stdout) return metadata
[docs]def s3api_object_exists(bucket: str, key: str, profile: str = 'default') -> bool: """Use the :class:`awscli` to test if an S3 object exists. Args: bucket: The S3 bucket name. key: The S3 object key. profile: The AWS profile to use, defaults to `"default"`. """ try: s3api_head_object(bucket, key, profile) return True except RuntimeError: return False
[docs]def s3_object_exists(bucket: str, key: str) -> bool: """Use :class:`boto3.S3.Object <S3.Object>` to test if an S3 object exists. Args: bucket: The S3 bucket name. key: The S3 object key. """ try: boto3.resource('s3').Object(bucket, key).load() return True except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "404": return False else: raise e else: return True